Lunch time is one of the most important parts of the school day. Not only does it give students something to look forward to, but it also provides students with a chance to recharge and prepare themselves to learn effectively during the rest of the school day. Lunchtime is so significant, in fact, that an ordinary day at school does not become an official full day unless there is a lunch period.
The problem is, however, that many students’ lunches have come under siege as a result of the scarcity of a very important kitchen appliance: the microwave. Serving as relief for students who bring cold foods to school, microwaves are vital to uphold the morale of the school’s student body.
It is the only break that students get in their demanding school days, and it should therefore be as stress-free an environment as is possible. But because of the school’s microwave problem, this is no longer the case.

From last school year to the current one, however, the school cafeteria has lost one of its two microwaves. The result has quite frankly been disastrous, and has caused widespread distress and confusion among students.
With half the amount of microwaves available to students, the inevitable result is a significantly longer wait to heat food up. Accordingly, each lunch period is accompanied by lines of usually more than five people, and with around two minutes of microwaving per person, this means around ten minutes of waiting to eat for students.
Lunch has therefore become a time of frustration rather than relaxation for the unlucky students who have suffered as a result of the decreased number of microwaves. This simply cannot be allowed to be the case. Students at McLean High School are under enough stress as it is; the last thing that they want to worry about is that they have to stand in line to even start eating their food and then eventually eat it in a rush.
As a relatively inexpensive appliance, there are few good reasons why another one cannot be added. This microwave will not only have the effect of cutting lines to heat up food, but it will also decrease the stress students experience, and will thereby foster an environment conducive to academic success.
Simply put, the second microwave needs to be restored to the cafeteria, not for the sake of having another microwave, but for the sake of McLean High School students.