The Mandalorian review: This is the way

A review of season 1, and what to look forward to


Mando walks away from a wreckage with his partner, The Child. (Image labeled for reuse)

Season one was eventful for The Mandalorian, with suspenseful plot, developing characters, and plenty of cliffhangers.

This show offers a new perspective to Star Wars, one that has never been seen before, and it delivers a highly entertaining first season. It gave plenty of thrilling action, intense emotion, and subtle humor. This first 8-episode season featured some of the best elements of Star Wars, and seems to have won back the fan base after a couple of divisive movies. According to ParrotAnalytics, The Mandalorian has been one the most viewed shows in the United States since its release in November of last year.

Upon watching, viewers are thrown into the life of Mando, a mysterious bounty hunter devoted to  protecting “The Child”, a viral character who is a descendant of Master Yoda’s alien race.

A combination of the interesting and violent Western and Samurai genres, the show does a great job of adapting the Star Wars franchise into a TV show.

To start off, the battles are a major strong point.  Every episode offered something new in terms of combat, and there were a variety of enemies Mando had to face. He is portrayed as an amazing fighter, and it is very easy to fall in love with him as the show progresses.

“The Child”, the viral sensation propelling The Mandalorian’s popularity has plenty of screen time, but isn’t dominating as some would expect. The show is well balanced, with the inclusion of many support characters and enemies alike. Pedro Pascal, the actor portraying Mando, does an excellent job embodying his mysterious persona and intelligent battle tactics.

The show is structured very well, with Hollywood-level CGI realistically illustrating the wonders of Star Wars. The dialogue is also well planned out, carefully incorporating plot details without being overpowering and boring.

Overall, the show has served as an impressive milestone and major accomplishment for the Star Wars franchise.

Now, what can expect for season 2?

Following its incredible debut season, it is reasonable to expect the same level of direction and plot development in this season as well. There are also rumors of the incorporation of many new characters in this second season, including some of the popular Star Wars charterers we’ve seen on the big screen.

A release date has been confirmed for October 2020, and series creator Jon Favreau has put out some Instagram posts hinting at the continued creation.

Overall, The Mandalorian delivered on an incredible and greatly popular debut, and there is already so much more to look forward to in upcoming seasons.