As high schoolers gradually move towards adulthood, they must start doing more and more adult things. One of these adult things is the need to wear fancy clothes. And as Justin Timberlake has continually reminded us, these fancy clothes usually consist of a suit and tie.
It also at this time that teenagers start to discover how pointless some of this attire really is. And the chief miscreant is the necktie.

“I hate ties so much. They make me do the top button of my shirt, and it is just so uncomfortable. Recently, I have just refused to do this, so I just wear my tie without the top button done” senior Jack Parkhurst said.
Unlike the dress shirt, slacks, shoes, and jacket that protect people from the elements, ties serve no practical purpose. All they do is pointlessly dangle down uselessly from its wearer’s neck and chokes him.
The question is therefore simple: should we wear clothes that are trying to hurt us? Obviously, no. Clothes are meant to protect people and make them more comfortable than they would otherwise be. Ties, however, fail to do this. Instead, they hurt its wearers, and serve absolutely practical purpose for those who do not want to be in constant discomfort.
Who even thought ties were a good idea in the first place? Why would think that an article of clothing that causes never-ending pain and looks ridiculous, and think that it is a good idea? It is the equivalent of fitting a hammer above the knee of a nice pant, and have that hammer hit your knee after every step. It just makes no sense to wear something that is supposed to be tied tightly around your neck in as a vague attempt to look sophisticated.
As a result, it is time for this generation to take a stand against the tie industry and refuse to wear them. They can be expensive, and using a tie-clip to solve the flapping would be solving a problem that should not exist in the first place. Essentially, they do not help anyone, and if this is the case, there is not need to have them.