McLean High School is a large school. It takes quite a long time to get to the classrooms. However, students have only five minutes to reach their next period class. Some have all their classes near each other, so they have enough time, but quite a few McLean High School students run out of time.
Particularly, the transition from trailer to the main school building classrooms usually takes more than five minutes. A number of students said that they have trailer classes and are always one or two minutes late to the following period because the breezeway exits are extremely crowded.
“It always take over five minutes to go to the classroom in the main building from trailer,” sophomore Annie Park said.
This is definitely a problem. Some teachers understand students’ situations, and many teachers give a first chance, but they mark those students tardy after the first incident. If students come into the classroom more than five minutes after the bell rings, that might be a serious problem. However, being less than three minutes late is not the students’ problem in most cases.
The easiest way to solve this problem is to add some time to the five-minute break. It does not need to be more than three minutes, but a longer break would certainly improve the situation. That way, instead of spending energy worrying about getting to class on time, students can spend their energy working to do their best in the classroom.