Famous landmarks replicated with food in art classes

Advanced art classes competed in a contest to see who could make the best replica of a famous building.


Advanced art students work on their replicas of famous buildings. (Photo by Sabrina Vazquez)

Advanced art classes competed on Friday, Dec. 15, to see which group had the best replica of a famous building. Across the classes a variety of buildings could be seen from the Sydney Opera House to the Colosseum to Lincoln’s Log Cabin. “I started it around seven years ago,” art teacher Christina Carroll said. “It’s a great STEM project where [the students] have to give a structural integrity to the pieces, and they have to brainstorm and work as a team.” In previous years, this contest was only in the Ceramics classes but this year it opened to all advanced art classes. Art students get to show off their creativity in uses of foods and show off their skills in creating a likeness of a famous building. “We picked a design that was really intricate because we wanted to wow people,” junior Melissa Kazanci said.

The winning pretzel Colosseum (photo by Sabrina Vazquez)

Students had to brainstorm their designs and choose a building to replicate. “We made our decision based on if it looked like a real architectural achievement,” said senior Grace Chung. The students’ hard work is not left unnoticed. “The administration comes around with rubrics and judges each structure,” Carroll said. The winning structure was a model of the Colosseum made of pretzels and icing. “What do they win? Just the status of being the best,” Carroll said.