The sea of red associated with pep rallies is an exciting scene. Students piled up in the bleachers are ecstatic about the next sp
orts game. It’s an experience everyone loves.
However, there have been few pep rallies lately. The recent influx of snow has shifted every schedule in the school, but spirit events were some of the most deeply affected. Students already only have about three pep rallies a year and this year there has only been one.
If the school had more pep rallies, then the games would be more advertised. There would be a much larger audience at sports events, which would increase the school’s revenue. In addition, it creates a much more exciting environment for students. Then, they want to repeat the experience and keep coming back to sports events, which further helps the school.
The other problem is associated with the days that lead up to the pep rally. The few times that the school has had spirit weeks this school year, there has been minimal participation. This is because days like “Freaky Friday” are insanely difficult to prepare for. What kind of a high school student has adult sized diapers hanging around their house?
If the school organized more do-able spirit days where students had clear-cut instructions on what to wear, then they would have more time to think about their outfit and get creative with it. More students would participate, shown by simple days like Big Red days. There is a noticeably larger amount of students who wear red on Big Red days, compared with all the other spirit days.
Basically, the idea is to think simple, not sophisticated. If the school can incorporate these ideas, they will see a much larger turnout at spirit events, and a more energetic and enthusiastic student body. People will finally get involved with spirit days.