The seconds count down as the student hurriedly finishes their last problem, before leaning back in their chair with a contented sigh. They glance at the clock to see that there is more than enough time to check their answers because they are comfortable with the material and have studied for their gateway. A gateway can be passed easily when the appropriate measures are taken to prepare.
Whether a student has taken a gateway in math, a language, or any other course, they know of the stress that is associated with these tests. For those who are unfamiliar, a gateway is a timed test given to see whether a student understands and can apply a certain concept. Students are given a certain amount of time to complete a set number of problems. This seems reasonable, but some students become worried when they hear that they must answer every questions correctly to pass.
This may seem daunting, but these tests are designed so that the majority of students will pass. Some believe that students are not given ample time to complete a gateway, which is untrue. A student can take this test multiple times, and in most cases they are allowed to retake it until they pass. Also, teachers are available after school to proctor the test if it can’t be done within the allotted amount of class periods.
A gateway is made substantially easier when a student studies. Many of the students who have the most trouble with these tests haven’t bothered to study properly. Whether it be factoring or conjugations, a couple hours devoted to looking over notes can help to cement the concepts. Being prepared can contribute to a relaxed demeanor that can help to bring up a grade.
These tests are meant to assure that you have learned a concept so that it can be built on in future courses. The material that is on a gateway is generally something that has been studied extensively and practiced in a class. Once a gateway is finally passed, no matter how may unsuccessful attempts have been made, a student receives full credit for the assignment, which can bring up a grade substantially.