We come home after every school day prioritizing. “What class’s homework should I get done first?” “What can wait until tomorrow morning to do on the bus ride to school?”
These are things we all go through due to the constant demanding workload from our classes. There is no time during our school day in which students can sit down in a quiet room, and for 45 minutes, sincerely work on homework.
Few argue that we in fact do have this ‘quiet time’ in our day to complete any assignments, or work on those due later on. It is what we call Highlander Time (HT). Teachers and administration are persistent in claiming that HT. is a time in which students can catch up and get ahead in their schoolwork for 35 minutes every day.
For most classes, this is not the case when it comes to HT. It has become a time of the day in which the class you happen to be in will not only be prolonged, but students will be taught new material during that time. Administrators claim that this not the proper use of HT, though teachers continue to treat it that way.
Even having study hall every other day would be more effective than the HT we have now.
Most students concur with the idea of study hall over HT. “I would much rather have a study hall period every other day, where I can do any of the homework that I want. I would get so much more done than I do in Highlander Time,” Sophomore Haneen Abulhalim said.
When a student is to visit another teacher during HT, there is a great possibility that they will miss out on new and pertinent information or have to come in after school to make-up a missed lab or quiz.
If study hall is made a part of our schedule as opposed to HT, not only would it make the homework load of students lighter, but it would give students’ time to study and teachers’ time to plan out their schedule as well.
Giving students an hour of quiet and uninterrupted work time in school, will prove more effective than two hours at home with and endless amount of constant distractions.
With study hall, grades would improve, and both students and teachers a like, will be more prepared and attentive in class.