[list style=’arrow’] [list_item] Cap & gown pictures have been rescheduled for Monday, March 18, in the dance room. Appointment cards have been mailed home to seniors and an alphabetical list of appointment times is posted across from the clinic. There is an $8 sitting fee due at the time of appointment. THERE IS NO MAKE-UP DAY FOR CAP & GOWN PICTURES. [/list_item] <br/>
[list_item] The book club will have its next meeting today, March 11, after school in the library reference room. The book this month is Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie. Copies of the book are now available in the library. [/list_item] <br/>
[list_item] Congratulations to the McLean Debate Team for coming in #1 for most wins and speaker points in the WACFL tournament for 2012-2013. Congratulations to Andrea Delgado and Heather Pincus for advancing to nationals in Philadelphia! [/list_item] <br/>
[list_item] The silver computer lab is now open every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 5:30 p.m. Feel free to come and get your work done! [/list_item] <br/>
[list_item] Lunch and Learning is now open during A, C, and D lunch in the college and career center. Anyone who needs help with their classes is welcome to come. [/list_item] <br/>