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The Student News Site of McLean High School

The Highlander

The Student News Site of McLean High School

The Highlander

The Student News Site of McLean High School

The Highlander

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Maren Kranking, Editor-in-Chief

Maren is an Editor-in-Chief of The Highlander, and this is her third year on the journalism staff at McLean. Previously, she has worked as a copy editor, features editor, and design editor for the newsmagazine. Aside from spending late night weeks in the journalism room, she plays varsity and club volleyball, coaches her neighborhood swim team, and enjoys photography in her spare time.

All content by Maren Kranking
Seniors of the McLean Model United Nations team pose with awards received at VAMUN on Nov. 18. The team was very successful, receiving many individual awards at the conference. (photo courtesy of Maria McHugo)

MUN for all, all for MUN

Maren Kranking, Editor-in-Chief
November 18, 2018
Students sit together at Lewinsville Park at the walkout on March 14. Seven speakers attended the event, which lasted for about three hours. (photo by Maren Kranking)

McLean students participate in national walkout

Maren Kranking, Features & Design Editor
March 15, 2018
Senior Yasmin Berrada places the last rose, culminating the vigil. Each victim of the shooting had a minute of silence dedicated to their memory. (photo by Maren Kranking)

Parkland shooting victims honored at McLean vigil

Maren Kranking, Features & Design Editor
February 23, 2018
The McLean orchestra poses in Germany. The trip is part of an annual exchange program between the two countries' orchestras. (Photo courtesy of Bilen Essayas)

McLean orchestra travels to Germany

Maren Kranking, Features & Design Editor
February 3, 2018
photo courtesy of TheatreMcLean

Volume of Smoke comes to a close

Maren Kranking, Features & Design Editor
November 19, 2017
Students enjoy a night with friends watching a scary movie.

“Fright Night” movie night held at McLean

Maren Kranking, Features & Design Editor
October 14, 2017
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