Between pulling all-nighters and dealing with raging hormones, It’s impossible to keep up with those seemingly perfect girls on instagram and tumblr. Those all-nighters come with lovely dark under eye circles and stress causes explosive breakouts. Face it, makeup is hard to apply and who even has time to learn?
Thankfully, learning about makeup is now super easy thanks to YouTube. Whether you need tips on how to pull off a look or a bit of inspiration, the internet should be you go to place for makeup and beauty tips. YouTube beauty gurus also do fashion hauls, makeup reviews, DIY tutorials and most do personal video blogs of their lives.
These people give amazing tips on everything from covering those gross zits, to the perfect technique to apply winged eyeliner. Countless how-to tutorials help the inexperienced and are both informative and intimate.
Check these amazing blogs out to get started on revolutionizing your look:
Michelle Phan
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Elle Fowler
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