There’s a new team in town. Led by semi-professional FIFA player and New York Times best-selling author John Green, the Swindon Town Swoodilypoopers are taking the internet-based fictional sports team realm by storm.
The Swindon Town Swoodilypoopers are a fictional soccer team on FIFA 11 whose inexorable quest towards greatness in English soccer is captured and posted to Youtube every step of the way. With around 15,000 views on each episode, Swoodilypooper games provide not only heart-stopping action, but also the opinion of an accomplished author on topics ranging from the United States’ tax system to how to break up with your best friend.
Apart from the fact that the Swoodilypooper fans hail from the internet, the team is unique thanks to the tremendous input that fans have on the team’s management. In fact, as a result of passionate support from the fans, some of whom attend McLean High School, almost each Swoodilypooper has a personalized nickname and backstory. Some of the more amusing examples are the team’s right back “The Dave Matthews” Bandalovski, goalkeeper Ricardo “Bunsen” Berna, midfielder “Maric” Maric, and striker “Voluptuous” Pericard. What is more, the team’s striking duo made up of “Bald” John Green (who has a mustache) and “Other” John Green (who does not) is the world’s first gay couple attacking partnership.
For obvious reasons, the Swoodilypooper craze has caught hold at McLean High School, with many students watching Bald and Other John Green score goals (they’re finishers) against hated rivals AFC Wimbledon as a means of amusement.
“I really love Ricardo ‘Busen’ Berna because when he makes a save, John yells ‘That was a second degree berna!” senior Jack Parkhurst said.
With the recent switch to FIFA 13, however, the Swoodilypoopers had to start all over again from two divisions below the premier league on their career mode journey. Furthermore, the change in game meant that many of the players were lost and the Swoodilypoopers were a completely new team. The Swoodilypooper faithful, however, is still backing the team, despite the fact that John Green is signing players based not on their player rating, but on whether or not they are gingers.
“John needs to understand that being a ginger has no relation to performance on the soccer field” Jack said.
Gingers aside, fans are confident that the Swoodilypoopers will once again rise to glory. And thanks to their strong leadership, unbreakable hearts, and deep-rooted dislike of fascists, the Swoodilypoopers will continue to provide a uniquely interactive sporting experience for all.
Bored? Desperately need entertainment? Check out the Swindon Town Swoodilypoopers on Youtube:
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