Masks spice up outfits

“Mask fashion” takes off in McLean

With the raging COVID-19 Delta variant overtaking the world, a mask mandate has been implemented in Virginia schools. Most students and teachers wear basic blue or black surgical masks to fulfill the safety requirements and keep everyone safe, but a select few have chosen to show off their creativity through their mask choices.
Senior Kylee Majkowsi matches her mask with her outfit almost every day.
“We can really underestimate how quickly a mask can make or break an outfit,” Majkowsi said. “If your mask doesn’t at least kind of match, it looks very out of place.”
Journalism teacher Lindsay Benedict had a similar idea. She’s been matching her shoes to her outfits for years and now has taken advantage of the mask mandate to further expand her outfit coordination.
“Masks are today’s accessories,” Benedict said. “No one’s really noticing your jewelry or your shoes; they’re looking at your mask all the time.”

Mask fashion isn’t always a personal outfit choice, but can also be used to coordinate with friends. One group of seniors, including senior Macey Johnson, all wore matching minion masks. The extra planning made the group more visually interesting to their classmates and passersby in the hallways.
“I think wearing matching masks enhances our school spirit and brings us all closer together. We’re also big fans of Despicable Me,” Johnson said.
Spicing things up with mask choices is an amazing way to put a positive spin on something students might consider an annoyance. Being creative while keeping everyone safe raises spirits around McLean during this difficult time.
“We obviously have to wear them,” Majkowsi said. “So why not look good?”