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The Student News Site of McLean High School

The Highlander

The Student News Site of McLean High School

The Highlander

Django Unchained: Movie Review


All-star director and writer Quentin Tarantino produces another masterpiece with ‘Django
Unchained.’ The story follows bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz) and his deputy,
recently freed slave Django (Jamie Foxx). The pair travels across the Antebellum South earning
lavish bounties by hunting down convicted criminals. After a few months on the job, Dr. King
agrees to help Django purchase his wife, Broomhilda von Schaft’s, (Kerry Washington) freedom
from the famous Candie Land plantation owned by Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio).

Like any Tarantino movie, viewers will be on the edge of their seat, for the dynamic plot
takes countless turns. Towards the end of the movie there are many scenes when it appears
Tarantino will end the movie, but somehow, with a shocking twist, the story continues.
Furthermore, the film is not just another one-dimensional action film. It strikes a perfect
balance between serious and humorous elements. Another exciting aspect of the movie, for
some viewers at least, is the exaggerated, yet sometimes comedic, violence. The excellent
cinematography brings the action to life.

Christoph Waltz’s acting is the highlight of the movie, and has garnered him numerous awards
including the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor as well as many other nominations. Viewers will
fall in love with his elegant, articulate, and precise manner of speaking. His sentences are filled
with complex words, which are sharply contrasted with the crude dialogue of many southern
slave owners. Waltz also embraces Schultz’s quirky and flamboyant manner in a way never seen
before in cinema. While the field of Best Supporting Actors in the eighty fifth Academy Awards
was extremely competitive, Waltz rightfully deserved the win.

‘Django Unchained’ is a thrilling movie, exciting from start to finish, and easily one of the most
enjoyable of the year. It was a disappointment that this movie lost to ‘Argo’ for Best Picture.

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