McDance-A-Thon rises in popularity

Club accumulates over 100 more students than last year


Gianna Russo

McDance-A-Thon celebrates their hard work of the year. After raising $55,726.44 for the Children’s National Hospital in D.C., members party at their end of year dance.

Makda Bekele, Reporter

With over 300 members this year, McDance-A-Thon takes the lead for most popular club at McLean High School. This club, run by English teacher Bridget Donoghue, raises money for an end of year school dance, supporting Children’s National Hospital in D.C. 

Meeting once a month, students come together and share their ideas to make this year better than the last.

“Last year was our most successful year. Our goal was to raise $50,000, but we ended up raising over $55,000,” Donoghue said. 

This year they’re raising the stakes by aiming to raise $60,000. Money isn’t everything, though.

“We’ve also been trying to emphasize that keeping the cause in mind is more important than reaching a monetary goal,” Donoghue said, “We want everyone to feel like we’ve accomplished something by supporting kids at Children’s National.”

Last year was their top year in terms of fundraising because they raised over $50,000.

 “I think the students who were involved last year made it very successful. They all worked hard throughout the year to raise money on our Donor Drive,” Donoghue said. Monthly fundraisers, such as car washes and bake sales were some of the ways they raised funds.

Donor Drives are how people log in how much  money they have saved this year, similar to how students would log in their service hours in middle school.

Although  McDance-A-Thon isn’t trying anything new this year, they are strategically improving their attempts from last year. Donoghue said fundraisers will be more organized, and they plan to have about two every month.

“We’ll advertise those at school and on our Instagram as we get closer to some of those events,” Donoghue said.

Because of its many members, McDance-A-Thon consists of multiple committees. Each has a different goal in mind; for example, there are decorators for the end of year dance, organizers and sponsors. 

“I do sponsorship which basically means I go around McLean and ask companies to give us money if we sponsor them,” freshman Brooke Thomas said. The money then goes to support the end of the year dance where the club invites kids from the hospital and kids from other schools to help celebrate the amount of money they raised.

Being organized, spending time with friends and helping hospitalized children is exactly what makes McDance-A-Thon so popular and successful.

“It also looks good on your college application,” Thomas said. “So if you’re looking for a fun club that benefits your future, come and support the kids of the Children’s National Hospital in D.C.”