Friday night ‘fright night’

McLean holds a movie night on Friday the 13th


Miranda Johnson

One of many posters displayed around the school to advertise the event.

Miranda Johnson, Reporter

On Friday the 13th, McLean will hold ‘Fright Night,’ where students can come to the gymnasium and watch thriller ‘Lights Out.’ Senior Class President Sam Gollob proposed the idea to faculty members after talking to his parents about their experiences with drive in movies.

“I guess the inspiration came from my parents. They described how fun it was to get to go to drive in movies with their friends when they were younger,” Gollob said. “I was bummed that drive ins have become pretty much obsolete now, [and] I wanted to try to replicate that sort of event and atmosphere at McLean.”

Though that plan was originally to have an event similar to a drive in located at the football field, logistically it fell through.

“Originally the focus was to have a drive in. However after talking to Dr. Reilly and the leadership teachers Mr. Kidd and Ms. Mac, we decided on not having cars, we thought this would be the best possible way to include more people,” Gollob said.

However, this was not the only change made to the plan. On account of the weather, the movie has been moved from the football field to the gym, and seems like it might turn out for the better.

“Students will be encouraged to bring blankets and pillows and it will be more of a sleep over,” Gollob said.

The movie, ‘Lights Out,’ is an age appropriate thriller movie that appeals to anyone wanting to have a good scare with their friends, and there will also be popcorn and other foods available for purchase to help make ‘Fright Night’ a memorable one.