McLean renovation mania

New features are in store for the high school


Students pass through the blue hallway during a transition. The flow of people reaches each end of the hallway shoulder to shoulder. Photo by Sebastian Jimenez

Sebastian Jimenez, Managing Editor

McLean High without a doubt suffers from considerable overcrowding issues that have sparked discussion both with the staff and student body. However, steps are being taken by the administration in order to expand the high school’s size enough to accommodate the mass influx of new students.

A sweeping change to the blue hallway is near on the horizon. This summer, all the lockers in that corridor will be removed in order to create more space for students to navigate around the halls. Because McLean is overcrowded, trying to get from one class to the other often takes a considerable amount of time or effort. Taking away the lockers on either side of one of the main hallways is meant to alleviate students’ difficulties. 

McLean High principal Dr. Ellen Reilly secured this positive renovation to the school in the hopes of combating overcrowding.

“I sent a letter to the county design and construction [department] with our areas of concern, probably in February or March. And then last month, they came in and said they were confirmed,” Reilly said.

Although solving overcrowding can seem misleadingly simple, it is easier said than done. The process behind physical changes to the school is not as straightforward as can be believed. 

“[Removing the lockers] was just one of my suggestions. I have pages of them. This is one that they said that they can do – I think they weigh the cost and the effectiveness of what it could possibly be,” Reilly said.

The complete removal of lockers from the blue hall is expected to take the majority of the summer. In addition to the changes in the blue hallway, other areas of the high school are slated for updates.  

“This summer, they’re going to be doing two chemistry rooms. They’re going to convert them into rooms that have water and gas, and more of the island, in Mr. Brocketti’s room and Ms. Anton’s classroom. They are also putting four more additional trailers in the gravel lot,” Reilly said.

The main gym will also undergo changes, as it will be completely re-painted again and coated with sealer. The new changes to McLean are not limited to renovations; new parts of the school are in the works for the near future.

“We have those 14 trailers on those courts out there. I think what they’re gonna do is where the softball practice field is, they’re going to build a modular. The modular is 14 classrooms with bathrooms inside. But that’ll take until next year to build,” Reilly said.