By: Nora Hashem and Bora Zaloshnja
Reporter and Opinions Editor
It was a hot June day and lactose was being hurled through the air.
On Monday, June 8th, the junior and senior girls had the second annual ice cream fight held on the softball field.
In the past there used to be a junior senior food fight of both boys and girls, but over the years the fights became more and more vulgar. Some of the boys began to throw roadkill, rotten food, and bodily fluids. One year, a student even suffered a concussion by being hit with a rotten fish.
Last year the girls decided they were fed up with their male peers’ actions at the “food” fight and decided to branch off and have their own. They opted make it a food fight with strictly ice cream and desserts, so the problem with the old fight wouldn’t arise again.
“It was the most exhilarating experience of my life, I loved getting to fight my senior friends” junior Megan Leimkuhler said.
Although the juniors initially had a weak turnout, they emerged with the win as more girls came and the seniors began to run out of deserts to throw.
“We were outnumbered but had more ammo and came out victorious because the seniors surrendered,” junior Shirin Dashti said.
The juniors bought five massive vats of ice cream at the grocery store before the fight. The seniors came with a large amount of ice cream as well and even a fudge cake, but they did not end up having enough to rival their junior opponents.
Although it was technically a “fight” most of the fire was friendly in nature. The girls all enjoyed some light competition and could be seen afterwards hugging, laughing with each other, and posing for pictures together.
For the seniors it is a fun way to end their high school experience, for the juniors it is a way to transition into their last year of high school, and for all it is a way to say goodbye to the girls in the class above or below them.
While the boys may or may not continue their tradition of their unsanitary, unenjoyable food fight this year, the girls will not be attending anymore. The girls have found a much better way to end their year that lacks all the undesirable aspects of the old food fight.
This sweet alternative to the traditional junior senior food fight seems to be enjoyed by all involved, and hopefully will continue for many years to come.