On Jan. 15 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in McLean’s Lecture Hall there was a workshop to help seniors to complete applications to both the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or the Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA). Which are both ways to potentially finance collegiate studies.All seniors and their families are invited to come to the completion night.
“It’s good financial [practice] to complete them, even if you do not think you will qualify,” said Mary Barnes, McLean’s College and Career Specialist. “Many scholarships require a copy of the FAFSA and you never know how a college will evaluate you for their financial aid package.”
Anyone can apply for FAFSA regardless of income levels, but the aid is given in a need-based fashion. The VASA is for those who can not apply for FAFSA due to legal status such as being on a nonimmigrant visa, being undocumented, or for other reasons.
“By completing these forms a student could receive a Pell Grant or other grants, federal loans and the opportunity to participate in work study,” Barnes said. “The Pell Grant is roughly $7,500 a year. Generally a student can borrow up to $5,500 for subsidized loans and $12,500 for unsubsidized loans.”
Work study is another option, a job on campus for which pay runs from $13-$18.