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The Student News Site of McLean High School

The Highlander

The Student News Site of McLean High School

The Highlander

Girls Leadership Committee to host guest speaker event

GLC welcomes Alicia Plerhoples as its second guest speaker of the year
Amelia Egan
This Friday, May 24, the Girls Leadership Committee will be hosting guest speaker Alicia Plerhoples in the auditorium. Plerhoples is a professor of law at Georgetown university and the director of a nonprofit law clinic.

On Friday, May 24 during Highlander Time periods five and six the Girls Leadership Committee (GLC) will be in the auditorium hosting their second guest speaker of the year, Alicia Plerhoples. Currently a professor and the director of a nonprofit law organization at Georgetown University, the GLC members are excited to welcome Plerhoples to speak about managing social enterprises and nonprofits.

“GLC focuses on empowering young women and creating positive change,” said senior Amelia Egan, co-president of GLC. “So knowledge of nonprofit governance can provide insight into effective leadership models within social impact organizations [and further support] GLC’s goal of promoting leadership sales.”

After graduating from Yale Law School in 2005, Plerhoples received her master’s degree in Public Administration from Princeton University. In addition to working as a professor of law and director of a nonprofit law clinic, Plerhoples serves on the Legal Advisory Group of Echoing Green. This nonprofit organization supports social entrepreneurs around the world.

“Learning about the legal aspects of how the social enterprises function can help members or anybody who wishes to come because it’s open to anybody to kind of reflect on their own talents and interests,” Egan said.

Anyone who wishes to attend the guest speaker event is welcome to sign up through the club Schoology page (see code below) and will receive a pass to be excused from Highlander Times 5 and 6. As the GLC prepares to host their last couple of events before the end of school, they also look forward to welcoming new leadership for next year.

“A lot of the board members are seniors [and] we’ve been here for a little while,” Egan said. “So a lot of our new applicants are going to be sophomores and juniors and already we’ve seen some applications with new, exciting ideas for the club.”

For more updates on the GLC’s upcoming events, students can join the Schoology page with the code KW7G-P7CT-N858D and follow their Instagram at @mcleanglc for more information.

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