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The Student News Site of McLean High School

The Highlander

The Student News Site of McLean High School

The Highlander

Truancy makes a comeback

Studies find attendance has no impact on academic performance
Aileen Wu

Throughout the draining school day, assignments and presentations have the tendency to blend together, becoming a mess of ideas that students have the unpleasantry of handling. The importance of obtaining an education has been drilled into children, generation to generation, but to what extent is this claim true? Gamers on a now deleted Reddit thread find that there is absolutely no correlation.
“The people on Reddit were certainly onto something,” said Jimmy Lanes, a popular Twitch streamer well known for his disdain towards education. “You don’t need to be educated to be successful. In fact, I encourage everyone currently in school to drop out and start going where the wind takes them.”
The long standing argument against cutting classes has been that if students fail to complete daily assignments, they will struggle for the rest of the year, failing to understand key topics necessary to pass said class.
However, according to Greek philosopher Socrates, we are all born with all of the knowledge we will ever have to learn. With knowledge being inherent, students should not be pressured into attending school, as they will undoubtedly succeed when they have to prove themselves.
“All of my teachers are concerned because I stopped doing my homework last semester,” said Ronan Mills, a junior whose personal motto is “C’s get degrees”. “But if you think about it, it could be considered a form of protest. Educators should have more confidence in their students, given they are the ones teaching the content we are going to be tested on.”
As this activism makes its way through the desolate hallways of McLean, many students have perfected methods to avoid attending any of their classes for the day. Popular tactics include extravagant medical excuses, waltzing into random classes or sleeping in the library.
“I haven’t attended any of my classes since the beginning of the year,” freshman David Been said. “Some of my friends find this concerning, but I believe I’m learning a lot by playing League of Legends  by myself in the bathroom stalls.”
Moreover, the content covered in many core classes fail to educate students sufficiently, leaving them naive about aspects of life more significant than things like periods of war in Europe or the role of oil in America’s development.
As the information students are forced to learn in classes like history and science eventually becomes jargon, why not expedite the process by cutting all excess content out of classes, making them optional?
Lectures and classwork work better as a form of sedation, causing anyone who took the gamble of listening in to question the purpose of the allotted period.
“I’m not sure how I managed to graduate, but I know that I did it,” said Marlee Dunkin, McLean graduate of ‘14. “Never attended more than one class a day, but that was always the norm. Now I’m your average adult, disregarding the fact I have no idea how our government works or basic grammatical rules.”

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