NEHS is Creepin’ it Real This October
NEHS has a busy schedule for the month of October and big events are coming up fast.
NEHS’s bulletin board decorated at the last meeting for Halloween. It contains information about the club and upcoming events and is located in the blue hallway. (Photo by Stephanie McHugh)
October 25, 2018
NEHS is celebrating Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’s 200th birthday on Oct. 26th with a party and prizes.
Franken week is coming up just in time for Halloween, and schools worldwide are participating. At NEHS party they plan on showing Young Frankenstien. There will be a few competitions associated wit the party, including a costume and writing contests.
“There’s a horror/sci-fi writing contest and the winners will be announced at the party. We’re doing fundraising right now for the prizes,” Said English teacher Anna Capponetti, sponsor of NEHS.
In preparation for the party the club has begun hosting fundraisers to pay for the food and prizes.They have hosted two bake sales after school.
“We just had our first fundraiser after school but we were thinking of gift cards of some kind,” Capponetti said.
Every Thursday the club leaders get together to plan events or add to the bulletin board in the hallway. They split into teams for meetings
and then the leaders meet to discuss what they talked about.
Admissions for the group have changed this year; the club is now open to juniors. Freshmen still can’t join but halfway through this year any sophomore interested can join.
“The club is open to any juniors and sophomores. We’re looking for people who are really excited by or passionate about literature and people who are active participants in their English classes,” Caponetti said.