Big Macs chomp down on final Connect Group
McLean’s mentorship program concludes before Winter Break

A number of McLean’s Big Mac groups celebrate their last day of Connect Groups in the lower gym on Dec. 11th, 2017.
As Winter Break approaches for FCPS students, McLean’s Big Mac mentorship program came to a (delicious) end Dec. 11th, 2017. The juniors and seniors who make up the Big Mac program united a final time with their freshmen to conclude the year of mentorship, most groups electing to decorate cookies to celebrate their last Connect Group.
“We gave the freshmen an opportunity to show us their creativity,” said senior Jessie Seppi, an Executive within the program.
Throughout this year’s procession, members of the Big Mac program have participated in a number of challenges and discussions with their mentees in order to ensure a successful transition into high school for the freshmen. Junior Joe Horowitz, a member of the program, affirms that these activities have helped to raise school spirit and create a positive atmosphere for the freshmen.
“[I participated] to inspire and fill the next generation of McLean with confidence and school spirit in hopes that they will do the same in the future,” Horowitz said.
Such positive intentions like Horowitz’s were received well by the freshmen during this year’s program.
“My Big Mac was so welcoming to me when I first started school and it was nice to have someone that would be there for me,” freshman Megan Williamson said.
Not only does McLean’s Big Mac program have beneficial impacts for the freshmen, but those participating as mentors gain much from the experience as well. An extremely successful institution at McLean, this year’s program could not have been better represented by its fun-filled, delicious conclusion.
“As a Big Mac, watching these kids grow exponentially in such a short period of time, and being able to help cultivate them positively in that process, is one of the most rewarding experiences someone could have,” senior Laith Samamreh said.
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