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The Student News Site of McLean High School

The Highlander

The Student News Site of McLean High School

The Highlander

McLean PTSA wraps up its yearly events

New leadership group plans for 2025 school year
Allie Deutsch
The McLean PTSA has worked throughout the school year to support McLean’s teachers and students. The new leadership plans to work over the summer to organize events for the 2024-25 school year.

After a successful school year, the McLean Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) has announced new leadership. Over the course of 2023 and 2024, the PTSA has granted more than $13,000 to school activities and conducted several fundraising activities.

“We treated the teachers and staff throughout the year with food and other goodies. We helped welcome everyone back to school with the Celebrate McLean event,” new PTSA president Karen Leiser said. “We coordinated to bring therapy dogs into the school, which is always a huge hit. We are currently planning the All Night Graduation Party on June 4 for our seniors to enjoy one last bash at the school in a safe environment.”

One of the PTSA’s most significant events was its spring auction, offering prizes such as a diamond necklace and a Caribbean bed and breakfast trip. This year’s auction collected over $10,000.

“We have very generous families at McLean, and while our fundraising did not quite meet our budgeted goals, we were still able to fully fund the most vital programs that the school community counts on the PTSA for every year,” Leiser said.

Though the school year is coming to a close, the McLean PTSA plans to work over the summer to prepare next year’s activities.

“We will be conducting our annual audit of our books, preparing the budget and calendar of events for next year and getting ready to kick off the school year with the annual Celebrate McLean event,” Leiser said.

Though most members of the PTSA are parents and staff members, students are encouraged to support the PTSA’s activities.

“The ‘S’ in PTSA is for Students, and we would love for more students to get involved and let us know what programs we can help with,” Leiser said. “Come to our meetings. Share your ideas. We are here to support the students and help keep McLean the excellent school that it is.”

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