Even in the age of virtual learning and Zoom university, snow days are still vital to establishing a sense of normalcy during these tough times. However, Fairfax County has not taken this into consideration and decided to not give students a day off despite it being beneficial to do so.
On Wednesday, Dec. 16, there was a high chance of snow occurring, giving hopes to students and staff that the school district would call the day off. Instead, administration canceled activities such as sports but kept the day synchronous for students and staff. In other words, it would be a completely normal virtual school day for the students of McLean High school.
On one hand, the roads were not icy enough in the morning to be too risky for people to drive on, therefore, any staff that goes into school would not be in harm’s way. But there is no doubt FCPS would have implemented an early release if we were going to school in person, considering the amount of snow in the afternoon.
Given that instruction is virtual, the roads aren’t why people are vying for a snow day. With Covid-19 wreaking havoc on society and the added stress of distance learning, an opportunity to enjoy the weather would be nice. Everyone is craving some kind of normalcy during this pandemic. Since there are already 10 built-in snow days, this would’ve been a great way to relieve stress and take advantage of the previously planned days off.
FCPS should’ve also considered the sake of the elementary school kids. Given recent circumstances and the isolation of being on the computer for school, they will never get to experience the joy of a snow day. Part of being a kid is waking up to the icy cold weather and the chance to play in the snow, letting school not be a worry for at least one day. However, this will have to be put off thanks to FCPS turning a blind eye; their priorities are getting in the way of their student’s well-being and mental health.
The stress of virtual learning is taking a toll on students and staff alike. Having to adjust to the new education system, along with the added weight of dealing with current events, has created the need for a day dedicated to carefree fun and time in the winter weather.
Fortunately, the cold season has only just begun and there are still a lot more opportunities for snow to come once again. Nevertheless, it is up to FCPS to reconsider their options in the future and let their students take a much needed and relaxing time off.