With almost 400 students more than the building capacity, McLean has been long overdue for population relief. While it is very unlikely that McLean will receive a renovation in the foreseeable future, the McLean community hoped for a McLean and Langley boundary change to shift students towards the under capacity school. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the FCPS School Board is unable to implement a boundary change for fall 2020.
After reviewing the feedback received at the Dec. 2 and 4 boundary scope meetings, the School Board decided to expand the boundary changes to involve Cooper Middle School and Longfellow Middle School as well. According to FCPS procedure, they must hold new boundary scope meetings, this time involving the two middle schools, but they are unable to do so at this time.
Next year, McLean’s population will increase by 50 students. To relieve McLean for the upcoming school year, they will be installing a modular unit that will be ready for use in December.
“They are working on installing the modular now. The trailers are being installed on the tennis court until the modular is complete,” Principal Ellen Reilly said.
Once the construction for the modular is complete, students and teachers will begin having class in it.
“Teachers’ classrooms will be moved most likely over winter break, and we will have one department in the modular. Teachers will be able to work together and students will only have one class [there],” Reilly said. “We will have outdoor bathrooms and a teacher workroom in the modular.”
In addition, the School Board will move forward with the boundary change process when it is safe for the community to convene. Once they have completed the boundary change process, the School Board plans to implement the new changes.
Families will be provided with updates as the processes move forward.