McDance-A-Thon is Still On

Annual fundraiser dance has found virtual ways to let the tradition continue

Image provided by Raya Jabboure

McDance-A-Thon poses for a picture right before their last in-person dance. “After we found out that COVID was only progressing and there was no chance of having an in-person dance during the school year we decided as a club that we should do a virtual dance so we can still hit our goal of 60,000 dollars,” Jabboure said

Maya Amman, Features Editor

As the school year comes to a halt, so does the annual dance held by the club McDance-A-Thon who raise money for Children’s National Hospital in D.C..  In result of the COVID-19 outbreak, McDance-A-Thon decided to keep the tradition alive and host a virtual dance.

“We are hoping that we will hit our goal of 60,000 dollars or even surpass that goal,” said senior Raya Jabboure, co-head of McDance-A-Thon. “We are also hoping that this dance can be a way to thank our members for all the hard work they have put in throughout the year for the kids!”

The dance is set to be held on Instagram through live videos and fun challenges.

“We will be organizing multiple fundraising challenger every hour or two so that we can raise money for the kids,” Jabboure said. “The main events during the dance will be teaching the morale dance off Instagram live, meeting our miracle kids and listening to their stories, listening to videos from our members about why they dance, and at the end seeing the full reveal of how much we have raised.”

These activities are ensuring that members and non-members can still participate in the festivities of the dance and help an amazing cause. As the club approaches their goal, it is important that they continue to receive donations.

“[These activities] could range from encouraging McDance alumni to donate and post about the dance on their stories all the way to Venmo challenges personalized to a miracle kids story that we will watch on Instagram live,” Jabboure said.

Not only does McDance-A-Thon continue to raise money for such an excellent cause during this tough times, but they have also changed their mission to incorporate helping the victims of COVID-19.

“The funds are now going to the COVID relief fund at Children’s national hospital,” teacher sponsor Bridget Donoghue said. “Children’s National Hospital is working around the clock to keep our patients, families and caregivers safe. It supports other critical hospital priorities during this time of unprecedented strain on our resources.”

The virtual dance is fast approaching, so help out a greater cause by attending.

“We encourage everyone from McLean to go onto the McDanceathon instagram on May 16th to watch the Instagram live videos with miracle kids, see the morale dance, and hopefully take part in our fundraising challenges because the more people putting the effort into this the more likely we can hit our goal,” Jabboure said.

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