Pete Buttigieg ends his presidential bid
Indiana Mayor drops out of the presidential race, in order to give other pragmatist candidates a better chance of success.
Pete Buttigieg gives a speech at Washington Liberty High School on Feb 23. Many supporters come out to learn more about his Presidential bid. (Photo by Isaac Lamoreaux)
March 6, 2020
Pete Buttigieg, a 38-year-old mayor from South Bend Indiana, suspended his presidential campaign on March 1, just before Super Tuesday when many states vote on the Democratic candidate for president.
Buttigieg was a pragmatist candidate, meaning his views were practical. Most people believe a candidate with pragmatist views is necessary to defeat Trump in the November presidential election.
“I 100% would have voted for Mayor Pete if I were of age,” sophomore Claire Mary Smith said. “I really think a generational change was needed and he was moderate and I feel like the other candidates were very extreme.”
In addition to his sensible character, Buttigieg made history, as he was the first openly gay candidate to run for president.
“The policies that he was willing to enforce and create were practical and much needed. I also like the perspective he can give on war due to the fact he’s a veteran,” Smith said.
Although Buttigieg won the Iowa caucus, polling throughout the country revealed he didn’t have enough support to win the primary in most states.
Buttigieg dropped out of the race because he didn’t want to split the pragmatist vote between him and Joe Biden. Buttigieg believed that Biden had a better shot to win than he did. The other candidate, Bernie Sanders, has unrealistic progressive views.
“After a year of going everywhere, meeting everyone, defying every expectation, seeking every vote, the truth is that the path has narrowed to a close for our candidacy, if not for our cause,” Buttigieg said in a March 1 interview with the Washington Post.
Buttigieg’s departure narrows down the Democratic race, and his young age allows him to possibly run again in the future.
“I think he should run again in the future because he’ll be older and have more experience as mayor or doing something else,” Smith said.