Leadership takes initiative
Leadership continues their winter drives, striving to help the community
McLean senior John Godwin participates in the blood drive. Student body president could not help but to donate
December 5, 2019

Leadership has organized four total drives, including the blood, food, clothing, and book drives.
“The first thing [Leadership] did was make sure everyone was aware, and had the proper forms, because we couldn’t really run the drive, as Inova does it,” sophomore Zoe Mallus said.
The blood drive was the first of the school year, and it was a smashing success.
“We were hoping to give back to the community, and specifically for the McLean community,” Mallus said. As the blood drive has finished, its amazing results have left leadership proud.
“This is definitely something we plan on doing every year,” Mallus said.
The second drive was the clothing drive.
“The goal of the clothing drive was simple, [We wanted] to gather was many clothes as possible,” leadership student Amanda Moore said.
The clothing drive came out to be a success.
“The clothing drive provided warm clothes for both children, and adults in need before the cold winter,” Moore said.
“For the clothing drive, we collected about 20 or 30 bags of clothing,” head of leadership Karen McNamara said.
Additionally the clothing drive left its stamp on the McLean community.
“We got the school community to come together and find people a way to help others who are unable to provide clothes for themselves or families,” Moore said.
The next drive was the food drive.
“The goal of the drive was to raise 400 cans worth of food,” McNamara said.
The goal was met with ease, and all of it was sent to Share of McLean.
“We were hoping that more kids are aware that we are trying to do the season of giving, and we are hoping that kids are taking the opportunity to give back in some way, and help out people in our community,” McNamara said.