Tuff Puff teams begin to practice
Students at McLean participate in the first Tuff Puff practice
After weeks of practice, the senior team was finally prepared to defeat the juniors. (Photo taken by Dana Edson)
September 17, 2019
Preparations for the annual junior versus senior Tuff Puff football game has officially started. On Thursday, both teams had their first practice at McLean, where they were coached by their peers. For an hour and a half, the two teams participated in a rigorous practice consisting of running and drills.
This year, the Tuff Puff game is on Wednesday, September 25. Until then, the two teams will have 6 practices to practice their skills. Although the time until the game is short, the teams can accomplish a lot in two weeks based off of their first day.
“First, there was an individual 20 yard dash that was time. Then, they sorted everyone into offense and defense, and they assigned positions. We played against each other and they subbed in everyone else while the other girls watched,” junior Melat Asmerom said.
In past years, this football game was called the Powderpuff game, however the change in name did not affect the concept of the game. Powderpuff has been a long-lasting tradition at McLean and has been one of the events that excites students every year.
Although this game is not as intense as football, it still provides a fun opportunity to those who do not play football. The students play flag football instead, which is less dangerous than tackle football. The idea of flag football has interested many students to play, and more may join at later practices.
“I would say about 15 seniors and 40 juniors were at the practice,” Asmerom said.
In these practices, both teams are preparing to win. By working hard in each practice, the two teams plan on having an intense competition at the Tuff Puff game.
“I think it’s possible for us to win, but I think it’s fair to let the seniors win just because we’re gonna have our chance next year and it’s their last year,” Asmerom said.