Trump-Kim summit falls flat
Highly anticipated meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un falls short of expectations
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U.S. President Donald Trump meets with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. The two were unable to come to a nuclear agreement.
March 4, 2019
Nearly nine months after the first meeting between President Donald Trump and Chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea Kim Jong-Un sat down for a second meeting; a meeting that held much promise for the eventual denuclearization of the peninsula. Donald Trump headed to the neutral location of Vietnam with very high expectations of a deal with Kim. However, the North Korea leader was not ready to give up nuclear weapons so easily.
Trump headed to Vietnam with a strategy. He planned to encourage North Korea to denuclearize, and by doing so, become an economic power. The location of Vietnam was used as an advantage to Trump in order to demonstrate the benefits of denuclearizing and becoming an ally of the U.S.
Unfortunately, Kim Jong-Un came prepared and was not ready to denuclearize without serious benefits in return for North Korea. Kim expected the dropping of a handful of economic sanctions on the U.S., which the U.S. was not ready to accept. After a private meeting between the two as well as one the next day with top aides on both sides, the two leaders returned to their respective homes with no deal in place.
Despite the two leaving without a deal, many were pleased with the overall outcome.
“Surprisingly I though it went well,” junior Cotter Smart said. “They didn’t make a deal but there was [no negative result] so that’s good.”
While no deal may seem disappointing, many feared that Trump would make a bad deal, such as trusting Kim to denuclearize the peninsula on his own while lifting sanctions. The two leaders still remain hopeful that a deal can be made and that North Korea can denuclearize safely.
The two leaders are both eager to get a deal done, as Kim seemed surprisingly interested in denuclearizing. The only conflict remains on how the U.S. will reward North Korea for doing so. There is no scheduled meeting between the two in the future, although negotiations are expected to continue regarding the topic.