Choir concert was a singing success
The MHS choir performed their first concert of the year
The MHS choir sings a set of songs related to their theme “Life is a Circus.” The concert took place on Thursday Oct. 17.
October 19, 2018
This MHS choir had their first concert of the year on Oct. 17. Students have been preparing for the concert from the start of school this year and decided on the theme of “Life is a Circus.”
Music teacher Linda Martin chose the theme and was able to create an eventful night full of fun with the well-prepared choir.
An incredible amount of practice and hard work went into this concert with all the different levels of choir coming together to perform for a full house in the MHS auditorium.
The different levels of the MHS choir consist of (from beginner to most advanced):
Treble → Armonia → Madrigals
The choir group that students are placed in depends on taking prerequisite chorus classes and try-out for the higher levels. Annika Harley is a junior at MHS and is one of these students who had to try out to get into the Armonia choir.
“Treble is the lowest, mostly freshman and sophomores or new students. Armonia is second and is open to those who have already taken treble, or through an audition. Madrigals is the highest choir, and is audition only,” Harley said.
Although there are three separate choir groups, they all had to practice with each other to ensure that their chorus concert runs through smoothly.
“The choirs collectively had a couple of practices together after school to run our group numbers,” Harley said.
Not only did these students have to practice in class, but also the students in the Madrigals choir group had to practice after school as well. Students in the Madrigals choir must take two choir electives in order to stay in that level, which showcases their dedication to the art of singing.
“Most, if not all, Armonia and Madrigal members take voice lessons outside of school at least once a week,” Harley said.
The night included the newly famous hit “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest Showman, correlating with the theme of the concert “Life is a Circus.”
“Many of the songs were either circus related, like “Join the Circus” and “Who Will Love Me As I Am,” which is from a musical about conjoined twins in the circus navigating their life. The other songs which were not directly circus related kind of touched on the idea of life being a circus, with concepts of adventure and magic etc.” Harley said.
Harley’s favorite song happened to be “Taylor the Latte Boy,” where she was a soloist portraying the character of “Carol” who was professing her love to a Starbucks barista, who was played by junior Alex Weinstein. The barista’s point of view on this situation was that Carol was his stalker, showing the distinct understandings on this issue.
“It’s kind of funny because it seems like very cheesy and sappy, but later there is a reprise of TtLB with soloist Alex Weinstein… Carol has a crush on him and has been stalking him and following him home and it’s a funny juxtaposition,” Harley said.
Overall, the choir performed to the best of their abilities and were able to give the audience an experience that they will always remember.
“[We] had a really good energy and [we] did a really good job locking chords and sounded really smooth,” Harley said.