Sources of Strength help strengthen McLean

Following the Florida school shooting, Sources of Strength discusses how they can unite McLean

Members of Sources of Strength share how the McLean community can come together. (Photo Courtesy of Nicholas Corsi)

Sources of Strength has been around at McLean for two years now with the goal of helping students connect at McLean.

“[It] is a strength-based comprehensive wellness program that focuses on mental well-being. However, as a wellness program it also seeks to impact social issues such as bullying, substance abuse, and violence,” said Nicholas Corsi, one of the adult advisers of the group. “We do this by using peer leaders and Hope, Help and Strength messaging to positively change school and/or community cultures around help seeking behavior, codes of silence and perceptions of adult support.”

On Friday, Feb. 16, McLean’s Sources of Strength club focused on the implications and impact the Florida school shooting has. English teacher Kendra Stolee, one of the adult advisers of Sources of Strength, was able to highlight how the shooting happened in a middle to upper class, white high school, making this shooting not just another tragedy, but a reality to McLean High School.

As the Florida shooting is a heavy topic, and not many want to approach it or discuss it, Sources of Strength is hoping with administrative approval to be able to put a poster out in the cafeteria where everyone can contribute their thoughts and ideas. It may be small, but it will be the beginning of a discussion and a movement.

“Rather than focus on shock and trauma, Mrs. Stolee and [I] led a discussion about ways to make more students feel connected, and ideas about spreading hope,” Corsi said.

To do this, Stolee asked the club how students can as individuals be connectors and bring the school community together. Through discussion, Sources of Strength was able to highlight on the importance of a floater between different friend groups, and how everyone should try to be inclusive of others.

“This was an important meeting because it provided the students with a safe place to express their feelings and also allowed them to discover how they can become agents of change—how each students has the opportunity to make everyone feel welcomed in the McLean Community,” Corsi said.

Sources of Strength meets every Highlander Time 8 in the lecture hall, dance room or Kendra Stolee’s or Seth LeBlanc’s room and students are invited to join year round.