Happy Death Day fails to distinguish itself

October 14, 2017
In a Horror themed remix of Groundhog Day, director Christopher B. Landon, who directed multiple of the Paranormal Activity movies, failed to stand out. In what was bound to be a predictable movie, he adds nothing to distinguish itself from any of the various movies made based off of the classic Groundhog Day in 1993.
“It wasn’t very interesting and was too predictable,” sophomore Claire Allen said. “The end [however] was unexpected and exciting.” For over 75% of the movie, Happy Death Day failed to scare or even interest anyone in the entire theater. Each day in the movie brought the audience closer and closer to falling asleep.
Towards the end however, the movie began to form its own path as main character Tree Gelbman, played by Jessica Rothe, attempts to solve her own murders, and the closer to the end it gets, the more the plot twists appear. By the end of the movie, the audience was grasping onto the sides of their chairs and gasping at every plot twist.
Despite a below average start, Happy Death Day redeems itself with a thrilling finish.
Overall Grade: C+