Sissy Hooper
Girls crew rowing down the Patomac River during a 2023 spring competition
The McLean girls crew team has been hard at work training over the winter to ensure that they are prepared for their next competition, which will take place on March 30 in Delaware. They have a total of 11 races, called regattas, throughout the season, each one requiring dedication and determination from every athlete.
“When preparing for competitions, the team practices hard and long to be prepared,” sophomore Kensington Ruhl said.
Crew requires an early start for each participant, with practices starting at 5:30 a.m. Practices consist of warm up runs on the stairs, followed by focusing on specific technique for each individual rower. It’s also important for the rowers to not overwork themselves before competitions, so it’s common for the team to have an easier practice right before a race.
“The night before the competition we have what we call boat dinners,” sophomore Leyal Barakat said. “It’s when the people in your boat have dinner together and load up on carbs.”
An important part of making sure the team is performing well is the dynamic between players. It’s vital for rowers to be surrounded by a support system to execute their skills to their best abilities.
“The team dynamic is super positive,” Barakat said. “I would say that I have met and made some of my best friends from crew.”
In addition to training in the weeks before competitions, many crew participants are in the weight room throughout the winter to maintain their strength and stay consistent. This is a great time to meet other rowers and work out together in the pre-season. Although there is a range in age between the rowers, they support each other with guidance and advice.
“The upperclassmen are all so nice,” Barakat said. “They love to help out with anything and give great advice.”