Carter Lineweaver
Andrew Colny (Left) and David Sheng (Right) after running their 300 meter races. Both ran very well and will be competing in districts on Feb. 1.
On Feb. 1, the indoor track team will compete in their biggest race yet, the Liberty District Indoor Track Championship. This meet has been the goal for every runner for over two months but only a select few meet the time requirements.
“The whole season is designed to get [the runners] prepared for the district tournament and get as many people there as we can,” coach Matt Christianson said. “Everything we have done up to now is getting people qualified and getting them in the right shape for it.”
Out of the many runners on the team, a select few stand out. Liam Riley, Jackson Coombes and Carter Lineweaver expect to bring home titles in the mile, two mile and the 1k. The girls team also strives to perform well, but has been hindered by a lack of experienced runners.
“We have a lot of younger people on the girls side and are just looking to get them their first competitions and improve from here,” Christianson said.
This type of competition is something that the team has not seen yet this year, as their times are insignificant in comparison to their placement in this race. If they would like to move on to the State championship, they have to work as a team.
“Every place matters when you are racing in this tournament,” Christianson said. “It is just a different mindset having to fight and claw for every position to help your team as much as possible.”